1. I'm a Gemini (born in the beginning of June)
2. I'm half Mexican half Swedish.
3. I speak 5 languages; Swedish, Spanish, English, German and Catalan.
4. I have lived in 3 countries; Sweden, Germany and Spain
5. I'm afraid of heights
6. I love chocolate, it's my big sin...
7. My closet goes in a very dark shade.... mostly black and grey
8. I'm a shoeaholic
9. I'm a Barca fan... probably only cos I lived in Barcelona and went on several games :)
10. I love the colour PINK...
11. I watch Simpsons
12. Since I was little I have collected Hello Kitty things... Nowadays there is more Hello Kitty things in the stores than when I was little, mostly I got all from my family and friends in Mexico
13. I'm a freak :P
14. I have had several colours on my hair... black/blue, pink, red, brown and also dyed so it was like fudge colour.
15. <3