måndag 20 juni 2011

Hello again...

it's been a while... and soon I'm off again :)

well have to tell you what I have been up to the last weeks...to be honest not much since I have had work x 2 and Uni x 4 and everything around that but some other things I have manage to do :) !

Since last time I wrote I have had my birthday,
My new bike that I got for my birthday

I have been to Charlie's baptism,

been to my girls (that I teach Spanish and German to) graduation

and last activity /dinner with IC.

Tomorrow I will go to the airport and on Wednesday I'm "moving" to United Kingdom for 3 weeks.. gonna live in Torquay working there as a activity leader for a language school.

1 kommentar:

  1. Nu får du väl snart ta och posta lite pictures från England :P
