following fashion trends has never been my thing.. I have always tried to do my own thing and wear what I like instead of what is hip and cool. My wardrobe is very dark... to say the least.... it's very much black, grey and denim and I have only a few spots of colour in there... But right now I'm actually kind of wanting to follow a trend.... jumpsuits... I have liked it a ling time but never found one that I like... but now the fashion is just jumpsuits in different colours (of course I want it in black)... this is what I see myself wearing when we are in London...

This with some kind of biker jacket, sunglasses, black wedges and chunky gold jewellery, like rings, necklaces and earrings would do really good.
det är snyggt som fan! Skulle gärna vilja ha något liknande jag också. Hade en jumpsuit i gymnasiet men det var så krångligt att gå på toa med den på att jag gav upp...haha :D De där ser ju lite smidigare ut dock!