onsdag 11 november 2009


Yes. Today the 11.11 at 11.11 the Karneval started in Köln. It's called the Fifth season in Germany and goes on until February/March. I have always missed the start in November but the grand finale in the spring I have attended 3 times. The first time I attended Karneval was in 2006 when I was studying German in Köln. I was first a Butterfly and then a 1920th woman with feeders in my hair. In 2007 I was Cher with high boots and a big hair...... awful but fun. This year I bought a expensive costume, A flight attendant with pilot sunglasses (I had that also to Halloween). Today I will just be me. It's to cold here in Sweden to being dressed in short clothes. But to all my friends in Köln and other parts that celebrate Karneval I just want to say


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