onsdag 28 april 2010

Everythings the same

my days here in Barcelona are turning into routine and boredom. I have done the same thing to long time now and it's not funny anymore. I always start my day at waking up around 6.30 to 7.00 depending on how lazy I'm. At 7.30 I walk to work and start an half an hour later.I fill up the dishwasher,take the plates out from the machine and I dry them. I clean tables, fix the tables with plates,coffee cups and cutlery and refill the food for the breakfast buffet. At noon I always start with filling up the mini bars in all the 115 rooms of the hotel...one hour later(hopefully)I'm done and can go down to eat my lunch... after that I clean some more plats and then I'm off. Walking home takes me about 30 mins. I do my catalan homework and then off to the course... from 19.00 to 21.45 and then home at 22.00 to do homework, eat and finally sleep ;)

everything is on routine and it bugs me!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Bäst vi kommer ner snart och rör till det lite!

    Kollade flyg igår i början av juni. Skulle gärna ha åkt ner i maj men jag har iaf inte tid då pga jävla uppsatsen :C Hur länge är du kvar därnere?

  2. tills den 2.e juli
