at Uni this week we have had October fest and just for that I have fixed my hair and done braids in my hair...german style :) but before I had some fun with my hair and did some different things :)
after fixing and trixing with my hair for a long time until I got it like I wanted I went down town to fix some things and then I went to Kåren...I didn't have any planes made up with my friends, I just went there to see which friends where there and hang with them...
Lucky me that I meet the Spanish guys; Lluva, Luis, Angel and Juan Miguel...
Here Juan Miguel and me talk about the picture he just took..
Första bilden ser påminner om Leias frisyr i Cloud City i Empire Strikes back! :D Vi måste föv träffas som faaaan snart! SY SY SY!!!!
SvaraRaderaNär ska vi ses...jag är nog ledig ganska mycket om jag inte får jobb, för vi måste börja SYYYYYY som bara den :)
SvaraRaderaAlltså jag kan nog ses nästa vecka, tis ons eller tors! När kan du?
SvaraRaderaKan iofs på måndag också eftersom jag slutar tio och är hemma typ 12 :P